I often have to remind myself that I live next to one of the largest geographical features in the world. The name comes from the Greek word Neilos, meaning river valley. The Nile River is the largest in the world, beating out it's nearest competitor the Amazon.
There are two major tributaries to the Nile, the White Nile and the Blue Nile. The White Nile flows through Uganda, Sudan, and Egypt. The Blue Nile flows through Ethiopia, Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Barundi. Together they form what we know as the Nile, which stretches for roughly 4,200 miles.
The amount of water that flows through the river on an average day is enormous. Take into consideration Niagra Falls. On an average day it passes about 13 billion gallons of water. The Nile passes about 79.5 billion gallons on an average day.
Here in Egypt most of the people, 95%, live "along the Nile". Meaning that they use the water from the Nile in some way to sustain themselves. If you see a geographical map the Nile river looks like a lush green snake slithering through the desert.
It is things like these that really amaze me about being here. Not to mention I also live in the biggest city in Africa, but that is another future fun fact. Years from now when I have my children at the table I can tell them stories about when I lived in Africa along the Nile.
so which way does the Nile flow? :)
seriously, though, it's truly amazing that you're there..and i'll try my darnest to visit before your 5-year plan is up.
and keep on those students; i remember last year my 6th graders had to solve the problem egyptians faced when attempting to irrigate from the Nile; they came up with an ingenious system, see if your students can do the same. take them to river. :)
Wow. 79.5 billion. Thats a big number!
i thinks you are lucky to live near the Nile river. you must know alot more about it the you have written
this has really helped me ieht my project, although i wish you would add alittle more iformation about all the fun that there is to know about he nile river, that most other sites dont have
hi my name is niki,
i loved using your sit, because it was so resourceful, and helpful for my project. i thought t was so mice of you to help me,by making this website that was great. ithink i will show my techer this grat site, because she asked my class to give her any good websites thathad helped us alot. thank you so much!!!!
i guess you really know how to help others, dont you?
my friend's web blog is designed to give information. it focuses on whatever the schools teaching at the moment-specifically designed for students at horizen
wow those are some cool facts
wow those are some cool facts
This really helped me with my homework, but it covers the basic facts, Mrs McRae likes our research pages to be deep so maybe a bit more info would b better!
This is not an informational site, it's a personal blog. If you want in depth information you will have to find it elsewhere.
Well i supose this site isnt useless it has some facts that are usefull and then some that are not but oviously we cant ask for the full history and facts on this one river!
Holly x
umm i had to do a power point presentation and find amazing facts on the nile. THIS. DIDNT. HELP. WHAT. SO. EVER. get better info on this river or just dont have a site about it at all kay?
Well, this diddnt help my projet AT ALL and i agree with the pearson who said give facts and NOT your opinion !! Sereously dudee!
Seriously everyone who thinks this is bad is OVEREACTING. You'll have to admit, there were some pretty cool facts there.
cant u guys leave this blog alone?? its pretty cool.
that was great information it really helped me on my project!! thanks:) also thanks for putting your time into it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this stuff is brill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this stuff is brill, awsome and great i love it
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