Wednesday, August 21, 2013


In Madrid we didn't do as much as we could have. For instance, we could have seen the royal palace, but we weren't terribly interested in seeing some old furniture with gold flake so we didn't. The big thing we did do is go to MoMa to see some Picasso and Dali paintings. I can't say I was very moved by Dali and even Picasso isn't my cup of tea, but standing in front of Guernica and thinking about what the painting represented and its impact on the world was something special. unfortunately pictures were not allowed, but we did get a few other good pictures. 
From Madrid Aya was going back to Japan then on to Cyprus so we said goodbye the next day and I was a one armed man again. In the afternoon I boarded a train to Algeciras where I would eventually make my way to Tangers in Morroco.


veryshuai said...

Aya could have at least left you both arms, what the hell? How is she going to use a dismembered limb anyway?

Mom said...

Wow-just looked up Guernica painting-it's huge! Maybe you could replicate that on your bedroom wall-haha!