Sunday, February 02, 2014


Back in Osaka for the new year we took some time to visit the castle and to go to the shrine to make a prayer and wish. On the way to the airport we stopped in Rinku town as we had a couple of hours between checking out of our hotel and the flight. Rinku town is the last stop before the airport and is a center for an outlet mall. We stuffed our bags into a locker and then went to do some shopping, have lunch, and then go to the hot baths. It was rather nice to do before the long flight back to Penang. For those of you who can't read it, that sign on the floor says that "pleasure town" is to the right. Yes please! 

1 comment:

Mom said...

Ah yes, the sea of black heads that is Japan. At least they do not push and shove and poach from the backpacks!