Monday, February 07, 2011


Entering into my thirtieth year (note, I turned 29 years old on January 30th so I have 29 behind me, hence entering the 30th) I also entered into my 20th country outside the U.S., Nepal.No longer a teen. More on that later.
As I think back on the travels I have done and the cultures that I have seen I am happy with the choice I have made to forgo the alternatives. Travel can take up time and resources that could have been used for something else which of course then the question comes to mind, 'what could I have done with this time/money?'. This is especially true when you have a trip that was not entirely enjoyable. Even in these times there are lessons to be learned. I believe that learning those lessons are very valuable. I think given the alternative my time and money is well spent. I intend to continue my travels, which you will see here, and to continue exploring the world. I hope you all will stay here with me and enjoy the ride. Cheers.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I am glad you have a travel companion who shares your interest in seeing the world-you two are a good match!