Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer Time

Summer time is fast approaching. About two weeks ago I got a little peeved at some of my students, I could tell they were starting to slack. Now, I am caught in the same trap. Not that I am not doing my work on time, but the summer is fully here and I am catching myself looking out the window hoping to lay in the grass or run my fingers through warm sand. Today it was 32C and sunny, no denying reality. Most of the furniture from our apartment is gone. It has been sold off to people here or coming, just a couple things remain. We actually sold too quickly and now are missing a couple of pieces we would like to have back. We are also wrapping up all the little intricacies of life here and getting ready to move on. Today I taught my last Economics class to this year's seniors. Still underclassmen yet to teach, but that section is done. We reviewed some test stuff for the first half and then I allowed them some time to ask some questions point blank. They asked about how I got into teaching, what I thought the future held, how I met my wife, etc. As I talked with one senior boy this afternoon I told him that I was glad to see them go, but sad, but feeling free and excited in a way too. It was kind of fun to find out the questions that had been burning in their minds. As I looked into their eager faces and thought about what the next couple of months held for them I also recalled that time in my life and how freeing it was to be moving on with a world of possibility in front of me. Here I am again moving on. In one month I will move away from Shanghai. First going to Toronto for an IB conference, then on to Champaign for a summer seminar with the National Endowment for the Humanities. I was accepted to study Chinese Film and Society for the summer. I am really looking forward to it. I will see a few friends and family and run a half marathon in Chicago, but mainly be in Champaign studying. At the end of July Aya will join me and we will go to visit family in Door county. It will be the first time she meets my father and that side of the family since none of them came to the wedding. We will spend about two weeks there, then on to Penang where a whole new adventure waits.
Its an upheaval and ultimately a step into the unknown. I am taking another risk, but hoping it will ultimately lead to greener pastures in the future. So far in my life, I have been lucky to be right about that most of the time. The times I haven't weren't pleasant, but were growing experiences. I'm hoping for the former. I guess overall I feel glad to go, but sad, but feel free and excited too in a way.


veryshuai said...

How weird is it that we are both doing economics--dare I say we are both economists? Who would have thought.

Mom said...

Still watering your plants here on the home front...

Kevin said...

Just another in a long list of similarities, Dave. I would be honored if you considered me an economist. I do my best. :)

Thanks mom! Maybe someday I can reunite with them.