Saturday, September 17, 2005


Here in Cairo and in most of the rest of the Mediteranean and Middle East, it is common to smoke a sheisha while having coffee, drinks, or before and after dinner. It is a nice way for freinds to gather around a common object and enjoy themselves. How does it work? Well, let me explain. The shiesha, or as we call it in the states, Hukia, is basically a large water pipe. You will see the man in the picture putting large coals on top. These coals are placed on a screen that is right above a chamber that holds tobacco. The tobacco has many sweet flavors like apple, cherry, mango, and so on. The coals heat the tobacco but never actually touch it. The smoke then enters the lower chamber and is filtered by the water in the bottom of the chamber. Most sheishas have only one tube coming off of them, but some have more. It is very smooth and sweet smoke, but i have heard that they are far worse for you than cigarettes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sheisha is the tobacco, hookah is the pipe. i drove all the way to waukesha this summer to buy coals for the damed thing, remember i got lost and called you! i can't wait to puff real egyptian sheisha with you!!