Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised...

However, it will be posted on my blog. Today was the first official day. Although most of it was spent doing nothing. I only got to meet with one of my classes, ninth graders. They were pretty cool except for one kid who will be having frequent high volume chats with me. Not much else to say. Hopefully monday i will have met with some of the other students in my tenths grades. On a lighter note, one of the administrators told me to watch out because some of the senior girls having been talking about me. ;)


japalinka said...

you and senior girls.. what else is new? ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how girls have crushes for their history teacher.But that's cause I didn't take history from Kevin:)

PS. Find out if their dads are powerful and influential.They might offer you a job next year.